Monday, May 18, 2009

Tell me it's the last time.

Ok, I have been putting up with the cool weather, I have shopped for plant, or should I say my husband has shopped for plants. Finally we plant because it is after the full moon and bingo, this is what happens. Yes, you see it right, it is called plastic. I could hardly believe it and yet, the rule of thumb in Minnesota is, after the full moon and after Memorial day.

But as you can see, we don't usually listen and then on a predicted cold night, we cover up all the plants we planted with love. Let's hope it is the last time. Because me a Minnesotan, finds it hard to wait. There is always hope that the rule is wrong.


  1. Sorry for being bland, I didn't understand!!

  2. We have the rule of waiting until after June 10th here. Lord. That gives us about 2 months of growing and then worrying about frost again. ha
    Love the north!!!

  3. Got to love our Minnesota weather huh:) I am hoping its the last time youhave to cover the plants!!

  4. Out here in the desert, we hope winter will go on as long as possible.
