Monday, August 3, 2009

Another day, another time.

This morning came as a complete surprise due to such a busy weekend. Being busy can sometimes wear me down, and I have to say it really did. But the success of the endeavor was so worth it. Our church had it's annual lunch and craft sale. And as most of you know I am now in charge. Quit that, I can see you smile. Anyway back to my story. We had moved our event to a different week, different day, and yet through all the changes we did good, thank God. And I mean thank God.

In a small community, you have so little time to make extra money. And as the stores and eating establishments we need their help to survive the long winter months. Mostly because we are in the greater vacation land. Our season formally starts around Memorial and runs through Labor Day. We make extra money for such things as supplies we need in the kitchen, or larger things like a new washer and dryer in the rectory. We pride ourselves in helping the church run.

We are truly a volunteer army. I find it fun to work with such fun gals. We laugh a lot, grumble a lot, but in the end we feel good. Not just because of the money we make but because of the friendships we have developed over the years.

This is just a glimpse into my life living in a small town.

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