A long time ago, I saw a neighbor that lost her husband of 55 years. As a young stupid person I ask how she was doing. She calmly, forced a smile and said that she was doing fine, but her heart hurt. I never forgot it.
Regardless of the loss, be it your grandparents, parents, friend, companion, or your way, the intensity of your hurt heart is personal. No one can tell you how long the hurt continues. How many tears are enough. Your heart will decide that.
When I lost Timber, my emotions were out there for all to see. Than I told myself others have lost more and that she was a dog not important as others losses. I tried to feel good. Told myself to stop mourning and get my act together. But for me it wasn't that easy, I was trying to be strong so others would not think bad of me.
Then virtual friends, friend, and family told me to go ahead and hurt, to cry, be an air head as long as I needed because she was special, she was my responsibility, my companion, my accomplishment, she was a great girl. I could mourn her, and now I am, without apology.
I too can say, I am doing fine, but my heart hurts.
I am stronger due to my friends and loved ones. Because of you, I know I am on the right track and when my heart stops hurting smiles will come and fond memories will return.