I have been working with Printmaster card designing software for years. I have used it for the printing and artwork. I have put off getting upgrades thinking I had everything I really needed in my older program. One sunny day an ad came in with a deal I couldn't resist. I said yes. I was suppose to be able to download it, but instead I got the CD. I should have seen it coming.
I downloaded it and decided to un-install the old program. Yiks, the old program was 600 mg and the new 2600 mg. Ok, right there I knew I was going to be in trouble. My computer is slow and old. I took a breath and started the process of learning a new program. Freeze, freeze, etc. What was I thinking? Compulsive buying, I know better than this.
While working and not freezing I realized what this new software would do. Great art and special papers to print. I have now decided to use it sparingly until I get a new computer and using my old software when doing just print.

I have to say that I am feeling pretty good. I have not only survived the process but learned how to use everything without throwing the computer out the window.
I always never say never. And I didn't. I posted a card I did on it with help from the old software. What do you think? The bird is printed over background artwork, the shadow behind the bird is also part of the software. This is so cool.