Thursday, December 16, 2010

Austin is coming home.

This morning John said that he wanted to give me a new spirit, puppy. And was I willing to adopt a homeless puppy. I started to cry and I haven't stopped. Yes, I said. Was I dreaming, would I wake up as in other dreams and find it not real. I don't know but if this is a dream...I plan to stay here for a while.

You all know how hard this has been. But I wanted to make sure that John wanted it as much as I did. Or at least want it a little. See having a dog is a full time job in the beginning and both parties have to be willing to hide socks, find paper chewed up and the many pleasures a puppy will bring.

When John and I are on the same page, the puppy will have the best world ever. And now Austin will be coming home. I don't know who she is or what she is, but I know she is going to steal my heart when I see her.

No picture today. No picture needed.