My followers know on my birthday, I try to look back. Did I try to grow, was I nice to all, and did I grow in faith. But yesterday I didn't feel like doing that. Looking back hurt a little too much. I could hardly get beyond Timbers death. But than I said that it's part of growning. It's getting beyond the thoughts and look at the package in it's entirety, good and bad.
Since Thankgiving, the last time I did this, I have met new friends, and when you move to another part of the country, it may seem hard to do. However, I smiled and stepped out of my house and friends came to me. I am so blessed. Starting with my neighbor Helen to Donna who loves designing cards as much as I do. And finding out my Minnesota friends continue to be my true friends.
Being balanced in social gatherings is always a hard one for me. I have a few soap boxes I like to stand on. They truly are important, but I need to understand that standing on a box is no way to pass on ones thoughts. Better at this but not as good as I could be.
Faith, I am exceeding at but most of my faith as Christian, Catholic, is excepting things I cannot change and staying off the soap box. Always work.
So I think I have done well. Accepting the my loss has been hard but getting easy with the friends all around me. Wether it's virtual friends and friend friends I have grown. Thanks to Katie at Friendship Society at
http://www.friendshipsociety.ning.com/ for you have grown a site for all that want to just be friends.
Love to all my friends and God bless you all.