A few years ago my mother died, she was 91 years old. While going through the few things she still owned, a prayer book appeared. I myself, believe in fate. I believe that things happen for a reason. I truly believe the prayer book was meant to be mine.
I remember my mom reading from it and when done she would place it back in her purse. I loved seeing it in her hands, for two reasons, my mothers hands were beautiful and almost perfect just like the words I am going to share with you.
Even if you have no belief I am sure the words will make you feel good. Words are powerful but when put together in a loving way they are even more powerful. This prayer book doesn't have the prayer printed in the pages but a prayer cut out of some mystery publication and lovingly put in the back of this prayer book.
I hope that you enjoy it my dear friends.
God never promised us skies always blue.
A flower-strewn pathway our whole lives thro
God never promised us sun without rain, joy
with sorrow, peace without pain.
But God has promised us strength for the day
rest for the laborer, light for our way.
Grace for our trials, help from above.
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
I myself love this prayer and use it often. I love my mother for the little things she gave me. My belief in a here after, a little prayer that seems to give me what I need most these days, and God for giving me hope in human kind when there seems to be a lack of it.
God Bless those who follow me and those who wander through my little peace of heaven.