I always loved the lighting of the Advent Candles. I thought of them as a candle calendar that would remind me of how much time I had left to get everything done leading to the big event...Christmas.
I made sure all was done before the fourth candle, which is light purple, was lit. I believed that the week before Christmas was for me. To watch Christmas movies and stay out of the last minute shoppers way. I believe that most don't have the Christmas spirit, how they treat others around them proves it.
Last Sunday as the first candle was proudly shining and Father Joe was finishing his Homily it hit me like a rock. It was as if I had never heard it before. Maybe it was the way it was said. I don't know but my ears and my heart was really open for the first time.
Here's the scoop.
Every Advent we take the time to reflect. What you ask? If you died, or simpler if God came to see YOU, would you be ready?
Also, the Christmas season for Catholics start on Christmas day, while others are calling the holiday over we start it. I hope your family has tradition that warms your heart. Brings tears to your eyes when you think on the previous holiday. But most of all I hope you give Jesus a little time during your festivities.
For me I had better get to reflecting. I too have far to travel before He comes to see me.
God Bless all those who travel through my little blog.
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