I spend a lot of time thinking of what has to be done, and in some cases I really don't want to get started. In my case it's the wicker chairs on the porch. They were never really meant to be outside. But they fit the porch.
Cleaning them was the worst part of the job. Brushing, spraying with a power hose and making sure they were dry before painting. Step one was done and chairs were resting in the guest room waiting for that special day when the weather was right and I was willing.
My first thought was white paint, but kept thinking a color would be great. But what color would do and how much fun would a color be. With courage I mentioned it to John, my dear John, and with a sly look said, "I was thinking of color." He had already checked to see what paint we were going to us, that would work in such a hot sun. Rustolium was the product. Wait a minute, we use that on iron not wicker, but when I saw the colors it came in and pictured on the can was wicker, I was at peace.
After looking at the possible colors, it came down to two, orange or bright green. As you can see green became the color. The best part was that while I was away at work, John sprayed one chair. What do you think, creative or what?
Another day in the Southern Sun.
This chair sounds like the best chair to sit and think in.