Over the last few days, I thought I was loosing my Timber, she is 13 years old and I know the time will come when she will no longer be with us. However, even knowing this is not making it easy. Every moment I get with her is truly a blessing.
If you are not a dog lover, you can't imagine, as I can't with not having children. But believe me, when I say, loosing anyone or anything that you have taken care of is never easy.
We thought she had a stroke and her second one came this weekend. My heart sat in my throat, would I have to say good bye. Going to the Vet was so hard, would I leave with or without her. Would I come home to a dog dish that would not be eaten out of, or a bed not needed that sits in the corner of our bedroom. This was going to be hard. See I thought I knew the answer.
After the Vet took a few tests he told us that she didn't suffer from a stroke but from Old Dog Syndrome. It's like having vertigo and has lots of side effects, however, it was treatable and with time she would come out of it. It can be found by typing in Old Dog Syndrome in Google. I tell you this because when a dogs age hits 11 through 16 years, this is common. And I wish I had known about this, because I may have had it treated earlier.
Today Timber is still unsteady, a little nauseous, and her senses are really off, but I know that this too will pass. I prayed to St. Frances to watch over her, that I do the right thing for her. It looks as though we have still more time. Thank God.
God bless those who travel through my little world.