When you have so much company, you find yourself immersed in that world. The real world, not like the one that is often quiet and uneventful. I usually have time to think of my virtual world or journal. I come up with ideas and as the day goes on, it gets better or it's a post you never see.
I think what I am saying is that even if I missed this virtual world, it was nice to have loved ones that after a week of being with me....still loved me. As most of you know, I never lack in words and for that reason, often not only wear my husband out but my guests. Maybe I am growing up or they are more tolerant. Whatever the situation, it was a blast.
I have lots to show you, our garden is growning and our new project is going smooth.
God Bless ya'll
I have been so far behind in my reading too, so I am glad you are back and so am I (off and on). Summer is so busy here for me too. Love that flower shot!