Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lent Event

Last year I wrote about this and again this year I ponder the event. I think it's important to give something up for 40 days. It all started with Jesus being in the desert for forty days temped by the devil. I couldn't imagine my sacrifice ever measuring up. But that's not the point. To be aware of your every thought and be temped by something so simple as food or action is worth it all.

Over the years, it seems easy to give up things like, pop, candy, junk food, or complaining. When I was little I would try to give up homework, taking out the garbage or helping in the kitchen. As you can imagine, that was for me not Jesus. And Mom said NO. Giggle.

This year I heard a Priest say that maybe when you don't take that extra bite, or eat the candy bar that you bought without thinking you can offer it up to someone who is having a hard time or just sad. Wow, that's way too cool. A full circle to the event.

Well, here I am rambling on. So for you Catholics who are enjoying lent, go for it. Otherwise God Bless those who are just good people without the event.



  1. Nice thoughts on generosity and a whole new way to act out lent. I like it.

  2. I am not Catholic but I do like the idea giving back.. a good practice all year round not just Lent.

  3. I totally agree with Voda Logic... and great sentiments from the priest :)
