Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Chapter to be Written

To most of my friends and relatives our moving never surprises them. But for you, my virtual friends that is probably a shock.

When I started this Balsam Ponds by Design blog it was to introduce you to my greeting card business and yet I achieved something quite different. I introduced you to my life and the two souls who occupy it.

We are not travelers, we are creators. We love to make something beautiful, really striking. Sometimes by painting, planting or adding those small touches that will make it a home. Worthy of God's blessing. Balsam Ponds is not just a place it's us. It's the love we put into it. But it is now time to move on.

Both of us are excited for the buyers, they are truly in love with Balsam Ponds, and we are looking forward to adding more beauty to where ever we go. I hope you follow the events that will get us to our new house, which we will make home.

God Bless those who travel in and out of our lives.


  1. Hi, Carol! Congrats on moving on to create more beauty in the world. Looking forward to your next creation. Best!

  2. hey Carol ... wow ! you're moving ! that kinda sent shivers down my spine ... I love your place ! (and I've never been there !)

    Good luck to you both .. and I'm sure your next place will be another piece of heaven on earth :)

  3. wow, I am shocked you want to leave that beautiful refuge. definitely show us your "new" before pictures on your next place. have you got your eye on a place? are you moving far? good luck!

  4. Just make sure you give us all the forwarding address. Will the blog still be called Balsam Ponds

  5. I think you're wonderful. Can't wait to hear all about the "new" Balsam Pond. Hugs K

  6. you've been an inspiration to us, your readers. I hope you will still share your being to us.Godbless:D

  7. Thanks you guys, we are going to build a smaller pond and plant a balsam. That way balsam ponds can remain. I am probably not going to write for a week around October 22nd. We are moving to South Carolina in the foothills. I'm excited to start writing about our move and what we do. You guys will be able to see it happening. Slow yes, but happening. God Bless you all.
